How far has my Sloth Care army travelled so far?

How far has my Sloth Care army travelled so far?

Black dots = towns/cities where my Sloth Care deck is helping people

I am a nerd. I happily embrace my geekdom. My curiosity, my desire to visualise the facts and figures I have at my fingertips from sales of my deck and the Kickstarter backers who helped to bring this dream to life.

But also to celebrate's an achievement. Have I sold as many decks as I would like yet? No! I would love to be on my second, third print run already, to have this deck in stores all over the world, helping people shower themselves in self-care experiences.

All those little black dots on that map of the globe? The ones in Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, the U.K. and across the U.S? Each of those represents a city/town where someone has the Sloth Care deck. Several of those towns have multiple copies, as people have come back for more decks once friends or loved ones have taken theirs, or asked where to get one for themselves.

And I love that. Maybe I'm tooting my own horn, maybe I'm not being suitably modest. But that's my deck. Across multiple continents. Helping loads of people.
(I know shipping costs are a pain, so I'm looking at possible distribution in the States etc.)

And I love it. And making up gift sets with journals and crystals. And seeing lovely comments about it. Just as much as I love the deck itself...helping me, and others to be more mindful, more selfish, to love themselves sloth at a time.

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